The unique resources for the community

Italic keeps your team’s work on-brand, on message, and on time. Innovative features make creating and sharing your work feel effortless.

Trusted by the world's most ambitious teams
Easy to use

Add photos and a welcome message. Create any kind of gift you can imagine.

Easy colaboration

Add photos and a welcome message. Create any kind of gift you can imagine.

Managment done simple

Add photos and a welcome message. Create any kind of gift you can imagine.

Design & animate like never before

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Bring in your designs

Overflow integrates with Sketch,Figma, Adobe XD, and Photoshopfor a streamlined process.

Upload images

Use screenshots of existing appsor websites or any other imageto build your user flow.

Ideate using shapes

Use simple shapes and arrows tovisualize complexity during the early during the early ideation stage.

Design & animate like never before

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Manage your people in an easy and effortless way

Creating a synergy between equity funding and alternative financing allowed Owlin a fast trajectory to growth.

Start designing

You don't have to be the only manager.

Creating a synergy between equity funding and alternative financing allowed Owlin a fast trajectory to growth.

Start designing

People are loving italic, see what you are missing

“Italic empowers our entire company to create stunning creativity in a more efficient and collaborative way than anything we’ve used before.”

John Smith CEO @ DeCompany

“Found on @producthunt & purchased it. Must train my team to use Italic on the go.”

Donat Bytyqi CTO @ DonatiCo

“Italic empowers our entire company to create stunning presentations in a more efficient and collaborative way than anything we’ve tried before.”

Besnik Kosova CEO @ fakeCompany